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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New smoking laws in Mauritius - a good thing or a bad thing?


Anonymous said...

Its easy for me to say as I am a non smoker and always have been... but I am pleased about the laws, not only for my health but also for the smokers themselves. This will make the habit far more difficult and hopefully encourage, or at least initiate quitting!

Anonymous said...

Not sure what the laws are about?? smoking banned in Mauritius...?

Anonymous said...

Hi John, This extract comes from the www.gov.mu portal. It explains the new laws a bit further...

"Smoking and Drinking Prohibited in Public Places since 1 March 2009
GIS - Mar 02, 2009: By virtue of regulations made under the Public Health Act, the consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking in public places has been banned since 1 March 2009. The main objective is to tackle the excessive alcohol consumption among the population in Mauritius and also to reduce tobacco use, decrease exposure to tobacco smoke and promote smoking cessation among smokers.

The new measures under the Tobacco regulations ban advertisement, promotion and sponsorship to tobacco products. They also aim at protecting the public from tobacco smoke; reducing access to tobacco products and controlling illicit trade. Smoking has therefore been banned in, inter alia, indoor areas, recreational places, cafés, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, bus stations and health, educational and sport institutions. It is also against the law to smoke while preparing, serving or selling foods on premises where the public has access and while driving or traveling in a private vehicle carrying passengers.

The sale of tobacco products is also prohibited to a person under the age of 18. Furthermore, health warnings will be displayed on each side of every package of cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco.

The new alcohol regulations ban drinking in public places, prohibit the selling of alcoholic drinks to a person under the age of 18 years and prevent the advertisement and sponsorship of alcoholic drinks. They further stipulate that every alcoholic drink shall bear a warning both in English and French stating that excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes serious health, social and domestic problems.

Statistics obtained from the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life reveal that in 2006, 32.9% of deaths registered in Mauritius were due to diseases associated with smoking such as pneumonia, asthma, heart disease, cancer, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, amongst others.

According to the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Survey 2004, 35.9% of males and 5.1% of females are smokers while 14.8% of young people aged between 13 to 15 years are current smokers in Mauritius. In the world, 1.2 billion people are smokers and 13 000 deaths related to diseases associated with smoking are registered daily, according to the World Health Organisation.

According to the NCD Survey 2004, more than 58% of males and 28% of females, aged more than 20 years, consume alcohol in Mauritius. The percentage of admissions to Brown Sequard Mental Health Care Centre in 2006 which were due to alcoholic-related disorders was 40.3%. Several health, social and domestic problems are associated with excessive alcohol consumption such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cirrhosis, ulcer, gastritis, impotence, memory disorders, child abuse, domestic violence, fatal road accidents, absenteeism and lost productivity.

Government Information Service, Prime Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius. Email: infserv@intnet.mu"

Anonymous said...

Great, thank you - quite a mouthfull... Seems no smoking anywhere... Excellent website.

Anonymous said...

why are these laws not respected?

Anonymous said...

According to ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION (AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE) (No. 3) REGULATIONS 2009 a copy of which can be viewed at www.expatmauritius.com/fines.pdf, smoking any tobacco product on any office premises or in any other place of work intended for use or access by the public carries a fine of 6,000.
Smoking any tobacco product on any premises of an educational institution also carries a fine of 6,000. One would think that may influence people to respect the law but perhaps the fines are not high enough?

Anonymous said...

despite these laws, shopkeepers skill sell cigarettes to minors, pls advise me whom should i seek to report these people? or any government email address where i can mail them and get these people punished

Marco said...

Hi friends, I love these blogs about diseases and cities, when I was in college did a very good study called liver cells, where I learned a lot about this subject

E cigarette said...

DO Really smoking banned in Mauritius?

eSmoke said...

in Buthan there is a similar law, only that you go to jail for smoking even in your private home. So, it can get worse that that :)

Anonymous said...

Hi ppl! I am visiting Mauritius next week and I do smoke. I was reading this and did not get it, is it banned or not to smoke in bars? And what about open air bars? And restaurants? And if it is banned, what is actual situation, how likely it is to get fined??? Thanking you in advance


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