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Monday, February 9, 2009

Is Mauritius experiencing a recession?


Anonymous said...

With tourism down and hotels cutting prices, building projects on hold, Mauritian stock market down, it is showing all the signs of an economic slow down. Yet the Rupee is still strong and interest rates high, Mauritius may not be in a recession yet, but will need to stay focused to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

Offshore seems to be ok, continue to see new business.

Anonymous said...


Veranda Pointe Aux Biches said...

I hope not! Mauritius is still booming in tourism I think.
Mauritius Holidays

joseph27 said...

Joseph - Pereybere.

A Recession - Yes some fallout. If you keep up to date with the local news you will find out that exporting companies and tourism is feeling the effects of the European Recession.

Prices are going up and for the local people it is very tight financially.

It may get a little worse but nothing like Europe ( I hope)